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The national social economic survey 2015

The national social economic survey 2015

March 2, 2015 | BPS Activities

he activities of the national socio-economic Survey (Susenas) by 2015 was carried out simultaneously in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia was no exception to the Bondowoso. In Bondowoso, activities which began on March 1,2015 includes a total of 760 samples, household activities that aim to measure the social and economic level of society is an annual activity which is carried out regularly by BPS Bondowoso. The data of the national social economic survey results by 2015 have sufficient strategic sense for Governments at the national level as well as regional, especially for government cabinet Work Mr. President Joko Widodo. The active role of the community in providing an accurate description is indispensable to be able to produce statistical data and information quality, hopefully the community awareness about the importance of statistical data triggers a quality statistical data availability for all parties.
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